How Does CBD Improve Scalp Health?

How Does CBD Improve Scalp Health?

CBD For Scalp

CBD For Scalp

CBD has become increasingly popular in the past few years. Most health and beauty products now contain CBD, and one such product is CBD shampoo. Hair and scalp health is said to be improved by using it. In addition to CBD, hemp plants contain a variety of other beneficial compounds that can interact with the endocannabinoid system of our body. Endocannabinoid System (ECS) interacts with the body’s endogenous and exogenous cannabinoid receptors to work. To maintain a state of balance in the body and mind, the ECS is essential.

CBD can influence cell receptors outside of the ECS in addition to endogenous ECS receptors. Some of these receptors bind to TRPV1 receptors, which are responsible for heat and pain-sensing. In fact, endocannabinoids have been found in certain hair follicle cell populations, so it’s not surprising that CBD could have a positive impact on scalp health.

CBD For Scalp Health

A scalp rash affects up to 25% of all adults at some point. Problems such as dandruff, dermatitis, and psoriasis are often associated with it. Diabetes and herpes zoster infections as well as nerve damage caused by diabetes can also cause an itchy scalp. CBD may be able to relieve scalp itching by interacting with endocannabinoids. Researchers found that 14 patients who used topical cannabinoid cream reported less itchy skin. The average decline was 86.4%, according to the report.

Up to 50% of adults suffer from dandruff, another common scalp problem. Due to its flaky appearance, it can also cause itching and irritation. Sebum production and yeast overgrowth can cause dandruff, just as they can cause an itchy head of hair. Dandruff can be managed in many of the same ways that CBD can be used to relieve itchiness. Actually, reducing itching could also limit scratching. As per the experts, scratching can lead to a flaky scalp.

Daily hair loss is normal and can reach up to 100 hairs per day. However, these hairs usually regrow fairly quickly after being lost. But, it is not the same case for many people around the world. If CBD can help hair loss, it will depend on the underlying cause. Male pattern baldness, caused by the natural process of aging and genetics, may be difficult to treat with CBD products. Endocannabinoids, on the other hand, do exist in hair follicles and can play a major role in hair growth.

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