Possible Benefits Of Using CBD For Kidney Disease

Possible Benefits Of Using CBD For Kidney Disease

CBD For Kidney Disease

CBD For Kidney Disease

Most of you may know that the kidneys play a vital role in eliminating toxins from our bodies. To do this function, kidneys require nutrients and water. Lack of water troubles kidneys and may lead to kidney diseases.

Currently, there is no cure for kidney disease. As a result, a lot of studies based on kidney disease cures and treatment options for kidney disease symptoms are progressing. CBD oil is one of the promising compounds that may be beneficial to managing kidney disease and its symptoms.

In this article, we are discussing the possible benefits of CBD for kidney disease.

CBD Oil For Kidney Disease: Does It Help?

Kidney failure is a very difficult situation to live through. The possible options for patients with failed kidneys are kidney transplants and regular dialysis.

There are some studies that are trying to explore the benefits of cannabis on kidney disease. To this date, no studies have reported that CBD oil is beneficial for treating kidney disease. Most of the studies are researching whether CBD has any effect on the symptoms of kidney disease. Many chronic symptoms like nausea, anxiety, anorexia, pain, etc are associated with chronic kidney disease (CKD). According to one study, CBD oil is beneficial for the above-mentioned symptoms caused by CKD.

How Does CBD Oil Help To Manage CKD Symptoms?

Many health benefits of CBD can be helpful to manage symptoms of kidney disease.  As we mentioned earlier, CBD cannot cure the disease but can effectively reduce the intensity of many symptoms of CKD like pain, inflammation, mood swings, etc.

Anti-Inflammatory Benefits

Many types of kidney disease cause kidney inflammation. There are no studies that can directly link CBD oil and kidney inflammation in humans, but there are many animal studies that reported the anti-inflammatory benefits of CBD. One study on rats revealed that CBD reduced sciatic nerve inflammation in rats.

 Another study on animals reported that CBD has the potential to treat ARDS, can reduce cytokine storms, and promote inflammatory homeostasis.

Mood Management

Anandamide is an acid derivative in your body that has a crucial role in managing mood, appetite, and memory. CBD can promote Anandamide. CBD is also effective in increasing serotonin levels in the human body. Both these effects of CBD can improve happiness and can provide you with a good mood.

Moreover, CBD helps in regulating GABA levels in the body system and hence helps to reduce the anxiety and stress of the patient.

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