Everything You Need To Know About CBD Coffee

Everything You Need To Know About CBD Coffee

Pure CBD Oil

Pure CBD Oil

There are myriad ways in which you can enjoy cannabis alongside your food and beverage intake, but CBD coffee has to be the most commonly preferred version. Most of us like starting our day with a fresh cup of joe; so, it makes sense to create a cannabis-infused blend and enjoy two of our favorite things in one go.

What Exactly Is CBD Coffee?

It’s just what it sounds like: CBD mixed with coffee. This form of CBD consumption is fast gaining traction across the country. It works well for people trying to get a special kind of pick-me-up, and chances are good that your local coffee shop sells it.

The Benefits

Lots of people gravitate towards coffee daily because of the flavor, aroma, and wakening effect that it gives them shortly after they get out of bed. However, there is one downside, in that it also makes the drinker jittery. This is where having CBD in your coffee helps – it can soothe the anxiety that often comes from drinking strong coffee as a result of caffeine entering the body.

How CBD Makes You Feel

Different people’s bodies process cannabidiol differently, but the main effects you’ll see from taking CBD include a relaxed state of mind and body, as well as certain levels of drowsiness. What you don’t get from CBD oil without THC is a “high”. In the case of coffee with CBD, drinkers would notice that they feel wide awake, but without the unwelcome jitteriness that regular coffee would have given them.

The best thing about CBD coffee is that it cannot get you high, as long as what you add to the coffee is pure CBD oil. That said, if marijuana is already legal in your state, and your coffee shop sells it, then it’s your own responsibility to make sure that the THC levels are under 0.3%.

Serving Size, And Directions To Make

This is one thing you’d need help from a healthcare professional to figure out. There are many things to consider, including how the flavor is affected by CBD oil. The change in taste is more noticeable in black coffee. Half a dropper of CBD oil is a good place to start. The longer you take CBD-infused coffee, the less you’ll start noticing any difference in flavor. The simplest way to make CBD coffee is by adding the oil tincture and stirring it in the cup. You can get even better distribution by whisking it with the milk before adding it to the coffee.

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