Article About President Bill Clinton’s Remarks On CBD Removed

Article About President Bill Clinton’s Remarks On CBD Removed

CBD Blog

CBD Blog

Reportedly, erstwhile President Clinton has been hearing much about cannabidiol’s therapeutic potential for pain. As per a recent media report, Clinton said that broad keenness on the matter should encourage regulators to create standards for this cannabis substance.

A recent Cannabis & Tech Today edition published a CBD blog that covered the on-stage talk of Clinton to CNN’s medical specialist Sanjay Gupta. The blog quotes Clinton as saying that there is evidence that CBD can aid in combating pain.

However, the outlet deleted the story at the request of the writer after it allegedly encountered pressure from the PR team of Clinton.

In a recent Twitter DM, an editor of the outlet said that while everything was quoted properly, the decision to delete the CBD article followed the author’s request.

Nevertheless, the publication also said that it does not wish to retract an article and that it stands by the quotations in the blog.

An IMPACT Forumspokesperson described it as a private event and said that the convention center does not issue audio, video or transcripts. The spokesperson also stated that press people were not allowed to take part in the panel discussion. She refused to not only verify in what way the media got the CBD content but also confirm the quotes.

The team of President Clinton failed to respond to Gupta’s or anyone else’s request form comment. Reportedly, Clinton stated that he has heard from individuals about how cannabis items with trace amounts of THC can aid in pain treatment. Clinton said that he does not usually respond to those CBD hype calls and that he gets more messages regarding cannabidiol than anyone alive.

Clinton stated that there is evidence that one could get cannabidiol with a low THC content that would combat pain. As for Clinton, some of those CBD items have not been tested to Food and Drug Administration standards but others have been tested.

Advocates have criticized the drug policy history of Clinton when he was in office. Clinton admitted to consuming marijuana a few times. Despite that, the Clinton government opposed attempts to make medical cannabis legal and threatened to revoke DEA licenses for medical professionals recommending marijuana for patients as per state law.

Despite pleas to lessen the racial disparity in crack-related sentencing, for instance, Clinton did not take any step to offer a remedy for the issue. He rejected requests for lifting a federal government ban on dangerous reduction policies such as syringe exchange-related programs.

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